Installing firmware on a UniFi access point

posted in: Allgemein | 0

a. Now open the terminal on your computer. If you’re using a Windows machine you’ll need to use an application like Putty.

b. Go to the location that you have the firmware saved (default is the Download folder) via the terminal by typing e.g:

c. cd Downloads

d. Type in your terminal:

e. tftp

f. Replace FIRMWARE-NAME.bin with the name of the file you previously downloaded

g. Press return. Lines of code should appear rapidly in your terminal.

Option Two – UniFi Controller

2 – Type in the terminal:

ssh ubnt@ip-address

Sometimes the default user may not be ubnt – it may be admin or whatever you’ve set up on the UniFi controller.

The default password is ubnt (again, you may have changed this).

3 – After logging in to your access point type:

cd /tmp
wget http://FIRMWARE-URL

To get the firmware URL, follow the normal steps to download the firmware, but rather than left clicking on the final step to download it, right click and copy the URL.

Please ensure that you change the beginning to http:// otherwise you will get certificate errors.

4 – Make sure that you have downloaded the image by typing in the same window:


You should see the name of your firmware – for example “firmware.bin”. Please note, this will be different depending on what firmware version you download.

Please make a note of it, you will need it for the next step.

5 – Now type the following into the terminal:

fwupdate.real -m FIRMWARE-NAME.bin -d

Replace FIRMWARE-NAME.bin with the name of the file you previously downloaded

The installation should now begin. Please do not disconnect your box from electrical supply.

6 – Press return. Lines of code should appear rapidly in your terminal.

The lights on the box will now flash as the firmware installs and the box updates itself. When the lights stop flashing and turn solid, the install is complete.